Monday, January 19, 2009

Sorrow is a Sage

I love winter. Not so much cause its cold
(all though I do love breaking out the
winter clothes. Scarves rule!) but more because
of what it means. A chance to start anew.
A chance for the old to die and for the new to be
raised up. I heard a small voice inside me say grace
grows in winter these words have never been
more true. Cherish your winter. be glad in the
newness of life that it brings. And in the mean
while enjoy the chance for a new beginning.

praise is truly sacrifice
sorrow is a sage
so now i wait
i never dreamed that i'd be here as a sacrament
to be raised and then broken
its never to be spoken
still swallows my only breath of hope
incinerating words have never fallen so short
hands raised in submission
still your sanctuary burns
still burning
no one told me that this grief would feel so much like fear tears
without protest
a soul seeking solace
she's dying to wake
but late is the daybreak gasping and groaning
the silence breaks for seething
i hear a still small voice inside me say grace grows in winter
how i long to believe that it speaks the truth
is this not my lot life
all is not comprehendible
and all is not beautiful
however all has meaning
all can create beauty
let me see the meaning in this
let me find the beauty in this life
is learning what cannot break
you can only be a catalyst for growth
creation groans for completion
truth wakes understandingand
the morning comes yielding peace
oh how i long for this to be truth

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